Randall Sykes - Seasons & Site of Suffering
Attention: New Trinity Endorsed Artist Randall Sykes
We are honored to bring on metal drummer Randall Sykes to the Trinity Cymbals Family. Randall has an absolute affinity for music. I was first introduced to him while he played drums for the band Seasons RVA.
Since then, he's moved over to Lead Vocals. But it's very difficult to just leave his drums behind! So, he was eventually sought out by Richmond based band Site of Suffering to rock behind the kit.
Randall started playing drums in 2008; he considers himself a Metal - Core Drummer. He purchased his very first drum kit back in 2008 while serving in the United States Marine Corps. Now this Devil Dog provides services for two Metal bands in the Richmond, Virginia area. He stated he was stoked, and grateful to be a part of the Trinty Cymbals Team! We are very excited to have the Marine Ooorah - Semper FI
Trinity Cymbals
Trinity Endorsed Drummers